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뉴질랜드 마누카 꿀 UMF  20+,15+,10+,3+


마누카 꿀은 청정자연의 나라 뉴질랜드에서 자라는 마누카 꽃에서만  추출하여 만든 100%천연꿀로 위와 장의 염증치료와 약해진 소화기능증진에  효과가 있는 검증된 꿀입니다.

강력한 메틸글리옥살 (MGO: Methyl Glyoxal)성분이 다량함유 되어 있어 헬리코박터균을 억제하며 일반꿀과 달리 높은 항박테리아효과가 있습니다.


효능은 어떨까요?

  •  위와 장의 염증 치료
  • 각종피부질환 개선
  • 천식개선
  • 면역력증진



  • 소화기능이 약하신분
  • 만성 위염,장염이 있으신분
  • 기침,천식으로 고생하시는분
  • 면역력이 약하신분



  • 1 1-2 티스푼을 복용식전이나 식간에 복용하세요
  • 차로 복용하실땐 식힌 물을 사용하세요





Manuka Honey UMF 10+마누카꿀

  • Description

    New Zealand Manuka Honey

    Mānuka is a New Zealand native plant with a beautiful, sweet-smelling flower and bacterial resistant. The honey from Mānuka has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

    We provide a variety of lovingly produced, top-quality Mānuka honey rated with UMF 5+, UMF 10+, UMF 15+, UMF 18+, and UMF 20+.

    Benefits: It helps to

    • Improve digestion
    • Simulate immune-boosting cell production
    • Soothe sore-throat and help the body fight pain-causing bacteria
    • Reduce gum inflammation and plaque

    Ingredients: 100% New Zealand Manuka Honey

    * UMF rated Manuka Honey is independently analyzed and certified for purity and authenticity by the UMFHA (Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association). *


    Take a spoonful daily for good health, add to smoothies and juices, use in cooking, or apply to cuts and abrasions.


    Honey can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. If irritation of the throat or mouth occurs, discontinue use.

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