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비젼아이 플러스 12 in 1

루테인 20mg+빌베리 11,500mg


풍부한 안토시아닌, 강력한 항산화제 아스타잔틴,아이브라이트추출물,루테인,베타카로틴과 그외  오메가3, 아연,비타민B, 포도씨오일등 12가지 건강한 눈을위한 필요성분들이 적절히 모두함유되어있고, 특히 빌베리와 루테인은 하루 섭취량을 함유하여 하루 한알로 점점 복잡해지는 일상에서 우리의 눈건강을 지킬 있는 가장이상적인 시력보호제입니다.


효능은 어떨까요?


  • 안구피로 , 야맹증개선
  • 황반변성 방지
  • 눈피부와 점막을 보호
  • 안구건조증개선
  • 노안, 눈의 피로감 개선



  • 눈이 침침하고 안구건조증이 있으신분
  • 노안및 야맹증이 심하신분
  • 눈이 시리고 황반변성이 염려되시는분


복용법: 1일 1정 물과함께 복용하세요

VIsion Eye Plus 1-A Day 90 Cap-비젼아이-루테인+빌베리

  • Description

    Vision Eye Plus 12 in 1

    Vision Eye Plus has been upgraded to provide more nutritious and necessary ingredients to keep your eyes healthy.

    Key Ingredients:

    Bilberry 15,000 mg, Lutein 20 mg / capsule


    • Bilberry is useful for improving night vision. Research shows that bilberry might improve eye strain for people who stare at computer screens for work.
    • Lutein is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties for the eyes. It is known to improve or even prevent age-related macular disease, which leads to blindness and vision impairment.
    • Betacarotein converts into vitamin A (retinol) for good vision and eye health.
    • Astaxanthin is good for treating macular degeneration which is caused by deterioration of the retina and can severely impair vision.
    • The other 8 ingredients are support maintenance of healthy vision.

    Ingredients: Bilberry (Vaccinium mytillus) Ext. 50 mg (Eqv. to 11,500 mg), Marigold Ext. 12,300 mg, Beta Carotene 5 mg, Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) Ext. 20 mg (Eqv. to 200mg), Lutein (Tagets erecta) Ext. 20 mg (Eqv. to 300mg), Astaxanthin, Omega-3, Dandelion 30 mg, Grapeseed Oil 814 mg, Zinc Oxide 10 mg, Lecithin 20 mg, Natural d-a Tocopherol (1,300 IU) 1 mg, Glycerin Fatty Acid Ester 40 mg


    Take 1 capsule per day with food or as professionally advised.


    Evergreen makes products only from pure chemical-free and natural ingredients. These products are not intended to treat or cure the disease but are dietary supplements.


    Do not use if the cap seal is broken. No artificial flavours, sweeteners, preservatives, or colors were used in the making of this product.

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